*In 2014, 10 million people aged 12 or older reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs in the past year.
*In a national survey, drugs were present more than 7 times as frequently as alcohol among weekend nighttime drivers in the U.S., with 16% testing positive for drugs, compared to 2% testing at or above the legal limit for alcohol.
*Since 2015, more Tennessee traffic fatalities have involved a drugged driver than a drunk driver,
*In 2016, the TBI tested blood samples from almost 20,000 driving-related offenses, 11,000 drivers tested over Tennessee’s legal limit for alcohol. The remaining 9,000 drivers tested for drugs.
*The number of toxicology samples testing positive for methamphetamine has tripled in the last three years.
*Drugged driving has overtaken drunken and distracted driving as a factor in Tennessee traffic fatalities.
*The number of deaths from crashes with drug-impaired drivers reportedly leapt by 89 percent from 2010 to 2015.
*57% of fatally injured drivers had alcohol and/or other drugs in their system – 17% had both. (NHTSA, 2010)
*More than 22% of drivers tested positive for illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs in blood and/or oral fluid tests. (NHTSA 2013-2014 Roadside Survey)